
Both Nitric Oxide and Slidenafil in need of consideration to stop Corona

                                             Nitric Oxide                      Nitric oxide can be used for the treatment of Covid 19 in case of oxygenation. It's really well known for the name " molecule of the year" since its ability as a signalling molecule(messenger molecule). It can dilate blood vessel. As covid 19 inhibit ARDS syndrome., Nitric oxide' s ability to dilate blood vessel may reduce the severity of blood clot formed by cytokines.  Slidenafil        A well known drug used for erectile dysfunction becomes useful for covid 19 with the view of that it uses the eNOS(endothelial nitric oxide synthase ) pathway. This becomes indication that the connection between nitric oxide and Slidenafil to treat t...

Calcium, the mastermind behind Corona virus

          Calcium, the mastermind behind Corona virus.            Most people talk about the importance of Vitamin D but not about Calcium in Corona virus.  Talking about the cure of Corona virus, if you skip the role of Calcium, then you are game over with the view of that Calcium play an important role in Cell metabolism acting as a second Messenger.  Corona virus uses our inner immune system to attack our body by making protien synthesis.  This is where the role of Calcium come in protein synthesis. Being as a second messenger, Calcium can perform a lot of intracellular reaction in making protein  kinase. Moreover, Calcium can perform many actions in our body in various processes including 1 Muscle Contraction 2 Secretion 3 Cell Motility 4 Cell division 5 Phagocytosis 6 Neuronal Activities 7 Fertilization 8 Vasodilation 9 conduction  of electricity in your body 10 bone formation  and many more. Metab...

Dipyridamole,a game changer to stop the spread of Corona Virus needs Consideration

  Dipyridamole,a game changer to stop the spread of Corona Virus needs Consideration   Nowadays, the spread of Corona Virus is the main threat to human kind all over the world. Undoubtedly, it's required for every body to stop the spread of Corona Virus. In order to stop the spread of Corona Virus, we need to dive a little in the process of Corona Virus Replication and transcription.  DNA transcription   It is a process in which Covid 19 RNA is copied into another one by the enzyme RNA Polymerase adding nucleotide to the 3' end of the strand. Transcription process involves three steps, initiation, elongation and termination. Initiation RNA Polymerase binds to the template RNA strand at the promoter region, TATA box, separating and providing the base to make a chain. Elongation RNA Polymerase reads the template to make chains from 3' to 5' direction to form mRNA. Termination When RNA Polymerase moves along the template forming mRNA until it reaches the termi...

Dipyridamole, the potential drug to be considered in stopping RNA Replication of Covid 19

   Dipyridamole, the potential drug to be considered in stopping RNA Replication of Covid 19   Dipyridamole(Persantin), must be used only under the Prescription of Physician.   Dipyridamole                        Dipyridamole is used for anti coagulation, anti viral and and anti inflammatory actions. As Covid 19 has inflammation and coagulation effects by Cytokines Storm, the possible action of Dipyridamole can be considered as a therapeutic way in treating severely ill Covid 19 patients suffering from blood clotting.                             Diyridamole has a Phoshodiesterase enzymes that can break down the RNA replication of Covid 19. This Phoshodiesterase can break down DNA and RNA of Covid 19.                           ...

‌Magnesium Vs Covid 19

 ‌Magnesium, an important mineral to be considered in treating Covid 19 Magnesium is important as it takes anti-inflammatory action. Corona Virus is happened by cytokines making inflammation in our body. Magnesium is useful for reducing the cytokines in our body. In this way, Magnesium help reduce the risk of inflammation of Corona Virus in our lungs. Moreover, Magnesium takes place in more than 300 reactions in our body and Magnesium loves to Bind ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) which acts like a pump in Cells meaning energy needed to perform cell metabolism.     Cytokines Storm Cytokine storms are one important factor   in Corona virus causing lung damage by excessive production of cytokine. Biological functions of Magnesium    Magnesium can make a heart muscle relaxation. When Calcium enters the heart muscle, it makes muscle contraction. But Magnesium can make a counter action to it to make cell relaxation.  So, it's clear that the interaction bet...

Vitamin D and Gene Transcription Factors

  Vitamin D and Gene Transcription Factors Vitamin D   Vitamin D is good for rickets and Osteoporosis. Also good for the absorption of calcium, magnesium and phosphate. Moreover,  Vitamin D has gene transcription factors.      Vitamin D Receptor (Calcitriol)                         Vitamin D can metabolize into Vitamin D Receptor (Calcitriol). Vitamin D receptor has gene transcription capabilities.    Adenine                     Corona virus mRNA has a codon Adenine.             Adenosine Triphoshate ATP                              Adenine can give a derivatives to Adenosine Triphoshate ATP. Adenine  Tr...

Why Vitamin D is essential in fighting Corona Virus!

    Molecular Structure of Vitamin D     Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol)                 Vitamin D is essential for treating Covid 19. It plays a key role in treating Covid 19. Most people don't know how. Vitamin D is good for rickets and osteoporosis. Also good for the absorption of calcium, magnesium and phosphate. But the function of the Vitamin D goes beyond our comprehension. Because it has a lot of biochemical properties we still don't know. Vitamin D can metabolize to its active form Calcitriol. FIRST it acts as an  immunomodulator in our immune system. Second It can form Vit D receptor (Calcitriol) in our body. This Calcitriol existing in our cells can generate gene transcription in human body. This gene transcription is directly related with corona virus gene transcription in our cells. So, Vit D becomes an important role in Corona Virus gene transcription. Third As Vitamin D is used for Calcium absorp...