Magnesium Vs Covid 19
Magnesium, an important mineral to be considered in treating Covid 19
Magnesium is important as it takes anti-inflammatory action.
Corona Virus is happened by cytokines making inflammation in our body.
Magnesium is useful for reducing the cytokines in our body. In this way, Magnesium help reduce the risk of inflammation of Corona Virus in our lungs.
Moreover, Magnesium takes place in more than 300 reactions in our body and Magnesium loves to Bind ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) which acts like a pump in Cells meaning energy needed to perform cell metabolism.
Cytokines Storm
Cytokine storms are one important factor
in Corona virus causing lung damage by excessive production of cytokine.
Biological functions of Magnesium
Magnesium can make a heart muscle relaxation. When Calcium enters the heart muscle, it makes muscle contraction. But Magnesium can make a counter action to it to make cell relaxation.
So, it's clear that the interaction between Calcium and Magnesium in heart muscle is significant indicating the importance of their Catalytic Action in Covid 19 treatment .
Most importantly in making RNA and DNA replication, the energy (ATP Adenosine Triphosphate) is required. This energy ATP must bind with magnesium to be active as ATP-Mag clearly proving that Magnesium is essential in RNA, DNA replication and protein synthesis of Corona Virus.
Magnesium is regulating kinase enzyme in making protein by phosphorylation with the help of Adenosine Triphosphate ATP.
As Magnesium and Calcium are absorbed by Vitamin D receptors to cells, the role of Vitamin D becomes important too.
Biological functions of magnesium are too profound to describe fully as its chemical reactions are taking place more than 300 times acting as a co-factor in human body.
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) |
The interaction between Magnesium ions and phosphates are essential in nucleic chemistry of all all living organisms.
Magnesium can reduce the inflammation of cytokines Storm caused by Corona Virus.
I think this may be a therapeutic message for Corona Virus.
Second most importantly, it is required in RNA , DNA replication and protein synthesis as this processes are in need of energy ATP that must be bond to Magnesium, prominently displaying the need to use Magnesium in Corona Virus treatment.
It's just my opinion and hypothesis.
You can find Magnesium in Beans.
You should meet to discuss your doctor before taking Magnesium and take it as prescribed by the Physician.
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