Calcium, the mastermind behind Corona virus
Calcium, the mastermind behind Corona virus.
Most people talk about the importance of Vitamin D but not about Calcium in Corona virus. Talking about the cure of Corona virus, if you skip the role of Calcium, then you are game over with the view of that Calcium play an important role in Cell metabolism acting as a second Messenger. Corona virus uses our inner immune system to attack our body by making protien synthesis. This is where the role of Calcium come in protein synthesis.
Being as a second messenger, Calcium can perform a lot of intracellular reaction in making protein kinase.
Moreover, Calcium can perform many actions in our body in various processes including
1 Muscle Contraction
2 Secretion
3 Cell Motility
4 Cell division
5 Phagocytosis
6 Neuronal Activities
7 Fertilization
8 Vasodilation
9 conduction of electricity in your body
10 bone formation
and many more.
Metabolism of calcium in Cell signalling
IP 3 Dag signalling pathway.
When G protein coupled receptor is attached by external ligand or molecules, it begin activated and activate Phospholipase C PLC.
This PLC cleaves to PIP2 forming IP3 ((inositol trisphosphate)
and DAG(diacylglycerol ). This IP3 attached to the IP3 receptors in Endoplastic Reticulum (ER) opening the voltage gated calcium channel and calcium coming out of the ER into the cytosol. This calcium ions can bind with DAG to form protein kinase C. This protein kinase C can perform some cell metabolism. Apart from this, Calcium coming out of the ER can bind to a protein Camodulim(calcium depndent ) forming several CAMK and many protein kinases in cellular response. As a result of this, you can see the essential role of Calcium in cell signalling pathway. As Corna virus uses our immune system to make protein, the use of Calcium by Corrona virus RNA is no doubt evident that it could lead to the process of hypocalcemia(low Calcium) in our body resulting in the process of Renal failures which resemble one of the symtoms of Covid 19.
IP 3 Dag signalling pathway influence the process of apoptosis,menstruation and cellular proliferation.
The process of Calcium in cell signalling mechanism is too profound to cover all.
That's why I am explaining some key points in above mentioned post.
Please forgive me if anything important left out in my post.
Calcium channel blocker (Amlodipine)
As Calcium is used by Corona Virus, the ideas that control the use of calcium by the virus seem possible usiing Calcium Channel blocker like Amlodipine not to make use of calcium by virus in protein synthesis.
It is just my hypothesis.
Some websites and studies show that the use of Amlodipine can reduce the fatality rate. Mostly, Amlodipine is used for hypertension.
Being as a second messenger, Calcium plays an important role in Cell Signalling pathways and it is significant that Corona virus is using calcium to make protein and attack our immune system. Without the use of Calcium, it is clear that it cannot make spike protein. Now, you can see the Calcium as a matermind behind Covid 19. As decribed above, the use of Calcium channel blockers like Amlodipine become helpful in preventing the severity of the virus.
Thank you ❤️ by AK2001
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